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When you’ve reached the top of your career, what comes next? When it feels like you’ve done it all, figuring out a next step or new challenge can be frustrating, and it often requires stepping…
There’s a world of difference between the idea of being youthful and the physical nature of being “young.” Youthfulness is an energy. Qualities like open-heartedness or curiosity aren’t taps you have…
“Midlife” is a miserable concept. It’s a thought-terminating cliché that convinces us that the finish line is near, so why even bother? Evolution and reinvention are far more interesting (and less…
Leadership can be many things, but it isn’t always fun. For every “pro” that comes with holding a leadership position, there is an equally important “con.” Ultimately, leadership is more of a choice…
Winning isn’t everything. It feels good and is easy to celebrate, but what happens when you don’t go home with the trophy? Learning to celebrate the success of others, including your competitors, is…
We’re just about halfway through the year and, if you’re anything like us, you set pretty big goals. Sometimes we achieve them, and other times we realize that we bit off more than we can chew. But…
Everyone has values regardless of whether you’ve explored and articulated them or not. When we spend time with people, we can almost see their personal values come alive. They really are at the core…
We’re both competitive people. But that doesn’t mean we haven’t faced rejection in our careers. The feeling of rejection can really give us a belly ache, but sometimes it’s also a kick in the pants.…
As we sit here planning episodes, our younger, cooler staff are in the next room laughing through a video shoot of cocktails. These are the same people who know all the pop culture references and…
The path to becoming an entrepreneur is different for everyone. Karen knew business ownership would be in her future, while Jen did not. Yet here they are, in a very similar spot. Join us as we…
Effective marketing requires a multi-method approach. If you only speak to your audiences in one way, your strategy needs some work.
Roz Keith, Founder and Executive Director of Stand with Trans, discusses the impact and importance of her organization’s work.
The sooner you have that hard conversation, the better. And with kindness and clear communication, we can keep the workplace compassionate and productive.
Grief finds us all one way or another, and it ultimately touches our work. As employers, we have a responsibility to make the workplace hospitable and compassionate for our employees, especially in…
This week we’re joined by Monique Stanton to discuss what changes need to be made in Michigan to address inequity and substantively improve lives in our state.
Tune in as we discuss the intangibles that make the difference between good team members and great ones.
We like to think we live in bubbles, moving through life in our little corner of the world with familiar people. In truth, the ripple effect means our actions — big or small — affect people we’ve…
Waverly Superintendent Kelly Blake has kept her school district healthy and functioning with zero outbreaks from intra-school contact. This episode she shares some insight as to how she’s done it.
If we don’t take the time to plan now, it will inevitably slip through the cracks. A little planning goes a long way, and it can be the difference between a good year and a great one.
Helicopter parents create entitled children. Those entitled children then turn into problematic employees, teammates, and clients. No thank you! Parents of the world, we can do better.
We've come a long way. Like, a long, long way from where we were at 15 years old and working our first jobs. However, just because we didn't end up being camp counselors or cashiers for the…
This pandemic has left us all feeling exhausted. Along with that exhaustion, we've all felt our fair share of boredom and fatigue — but it's important to distinguish between feeling bored…
This episode, we're breaking into a topic we've been waiting to talk about for a long time: the glass ceiling. In honor of Vice President Kamala Harris and all of the other extraordinary…
This episode, we are very excited to sit down with a woman who has demonstrated leadership both in our community and beyond: April Clobes, president and CEO of Michigan State University Federal…
The concept of quitting can be really difficult to come to terms with. When we feel like quitting, we feel like we are letting ourselves down or not doing as much as we should be. But is this always…
Have you ever wanted to live in a van or on a sailboat? Or have you thought about moving to the Colorado mountains and living off the land? This week, Jen and Karen discuss the lives they might have…
It seems like there are always a million reasons not to do something – but sometimes we just need to go for it anyway. What drives us to the tipping point of doing something in spite of potential…
It would not be an exaggeration to say this episode’s guest is a force of nature. From the classroom to the podium to the negotiating table, Michigan Education President Paula Herbart has been a…
Every business has to evolve as a natural reaction to change. But what about when change hits you like a freight train? (Or a pandemic?) This episode, we talk about lessons we've learned through…
When serving others is (literally) your job, how do you make time to serve yourself? It all comes back to individual balance, drive and keeping your bucket full. This episode's special guest…
Have you ever been afraid to use your voice? All of us have been in a situation where we wish we had said something differently or spoke up when we didn't. How do we know when we need to speak…
In past episodes, we've talked a lot about setting boundaries and saying "no" more as entrepreneurs. But this episode, believe it or not, we're actually talking about saying…
We’re not here to tell you what's important–that's different for every person. But we are here with a DIY method to really boil down what's important to you. Let's figure out how…
We both have a love of lifelong learning. Between Jen's serial-hobby-ness and Karen's love of diving into nonfiction books, we're both hooked. In the office and in our homes, exploring…
It seems like today, everyone feels they have a vote in the decision-making process, which often ends in a muddy compromise. For example: If one person likes orange, but the other prefers green, what…
Industries are constantly evolving. Tools of the trade, tactics and distribution methodologies are sometimes here today and gone tomorrow. And as you become more of an expert in your field, it's…
Entrepreneurs want to know it all. But, looking back at the beginning of our careers, it's clear that hindsight is 20/20, and that identifying our blind spots only helps us grow. This episode,…
Thank you Mother Nature, spring is upon us. We both love and cherish winter in Michigan, but we cherish seasons of change as well. And change brings about introspection: goal setting, possibilities,…
Do you feel more successful when your clients are thrilled, when your bank account is filled, or when you have no worries in the whole wide world? All of the above? Our priorities are a whole lot to…
People say creativity and entrepreneurship should be open and fluid and free. But could they be disciplined and methodical instead? And what would that look like? That's where rigor comes in.
What do you do to keep your muscles firing on all cylinders, toned and defined at all moments, ready to jump in action when you need it? We're not talking about our bodies, but about our…
Resilience is inherent to being an entrepreneur and a creative. It's one of the things that keeps us moving forward. But what is resilience made of, and how do you get it?
Why do we treat vulnerability like it's a negative thing? Saying "I don't know" and "I need help" seems like the purview of our young kids, not grown-up women in…
Genetically, we are both in the shallow end of the patience pool. As creatives we have big ideas and are driven by results, so it can be a challenge to wait for all the steps between A and Z. Are…
Not gonna lie, we all get overwhelmed sometimes. When the to-do list gets too long, all we want to do is delegate. It's really a blend of work and life that we need help with. So why don't…
What are you worth? Nope, we're not talking about your bottom line. We're talking about the value of your time and your talent. Short answer? More than you're charging. And that's…
What do you wish you would have done 10 years ago? What are your regrets? What great piece of advice would you give a friend or colleague? Well, what are you going to do about it now?
Our society is relating and communicating more in written form than ever before. That often opens us up to criticism or misinterpretation, both professionally and personally. As leaders and as…
Recognizing change can feel like a hopeless task sometimes because we're evaluating the changes in real time. But the bottom line—we must grow.
Recognition. As leaders, we recognize success and achievement in others as second nature. As individuals, we aren't great being on the receiving end—especially as women. But it's…
Are we still entrepreneurs? We both own established businesses–and we're successful mid-career creatives–so we don't really fit into the trendy description of a startup that seems to be all…
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