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I Don't Want Your Entitled Kid To Become My Employee Or Client

I Don't Want Your Entitled Kid To Become My Employee Or Client
Helicopter parents create entitled children. Those entitled children then turn into problematic employees, teammates, and clients. No thank you! Parents of the world, we can do better.

As parents, the last thing we want to do is raise entitled people. The kind of people who never clean up after themselves or expect the red carpet to unfold everywhere they go.

As employers, the last thing we want to do is work with entitled people. The kind of employees and clients that have a “me, me, me!” mindset. Most commonly, these types of people are the products of helicopter parents. Or lawnmower parents — a new term Karen shares with us.

Join us as we discuss how to deal with entitled folks in business and how to avoid creating them in the first place.

Red Lion Hybrid

Red Lion Hybrid

Red Lion Hybrid
When there’s no time to waste, fix yourself a Red Lion. Its boozy bite is more than enough to get you caught up or, depending on the company, well ahead. The hard-hitting Red Lion will have you drinking like a sailor while the abundant citrus keeps the scurvy at bay.


  • 1 oz Plymouth Gin
  • 1 oz Grand Marnier
  • 3/4 fresh orange juice
  • Juice from one lemon wedge
  • Dash of grenadine
  • Orange peel


  1. Shake all the ingredients over ice and serve in a cocktail glass.
  2. Garnish with orange peel.

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