When you hit that mid-career mark, it can feel as though you've seen it all. You've gained a solid grasp on who you are: your leadership style, your values, your purpose. You've learned how your team gets into a groove, and what it takes for you all to produce your best work. You wonder: Why should we change, and mess with a good thing? To stay relevant, that's why.
Having a solid sense of who you are and where your skills lie is great. Still, in order to best serve your clients, you've got to keep up with new innovations in your industry as they evolve. And, yes–sometimes that means shifting out of your well-established comfort zone.
This episode, we're talking about what it takes to stay relevant in areas that are truly meaningful. What's the difference between simply following trends and staying relevant in our careers? When does relevancy matter, and when should we go against the grain?

- 1.5 bottles of young table wine
- 2 oranges
- 1 lemon
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 1 green apple (optional)
- 2 peaches or apricots (optional)
- Carbonated beverage like lemon soda, orange soda or soda water (optional)
- Wash the oranges and cut off thick pieces of rind before juicing the oranges.
- Juice the oranges.
- Wash the lemon and cut off pieces of rind before juicing the lemon.
- Juice the lemon.
- In a large pitcher or bowl, stir together the wine, simple syrup, orange juice and lemon juice and add in the chunks of lemon and orange rind. Add the cinnamon stick and let sit at least two hours (preferably overnight) before serving over ice. This allows the sangria to take on the aromas of the fruit rind and cinnamon stick.
- Add in chopped up chunks of green apple and peach. For a modern version, you can also top off with a carbonated beverage (lemon soda, orange soda, or soda water) right before serving for some bubbles.
Recipe via Spanish Sabores.