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What are you Worth?

What are you Worth?
What are you worth? Nope, we're not talking about your bottom line. We're talking about the value of your time and your talent. Short answer? More than you're charging. And that's true even when you're not billable.

The language of time is the language of money—saving time, spending time, wasting time. So why don't we think of our time as a very valuable resource, and cherish it accordingly? In this episode, we delve into what you're worth—your time, your talent, your expertise and your experience. And we break it down while sipping on a quintessential Mint Julep. Hello, spring!

Mint Julep

Mint Julep

Mint Julep
A classic just in time for the Derby. You can adjust the sugar measurements to your taste preference. We like to use brown sugar cubes when we find them.


  • 5 oz Woodford Reserve Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey
  • Seltzer water
  • 20 mint leaves, plus a sprig for garnish
  • 3 teaspoons superfine sugar
  • Crushed ice
  • Mint leaves for garnish


  1. Place the mint leaves in the bottom of an old-fashioned glass and top with the sugar.
  2. Muddle these together until the leaves begin to break down.
  3. Add a splash of seltzer water, fill the glass 3/4 full with crushed ice, and add the bourbon.
  4. Top with another splash of seltzer, stir and garnish with a sprig of mint.
  5. Serve immediately.

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