Throwing in the towel feels like a bad thing. We've always heard a barrage of phrases like, "Only losers quit" or "Quitters never win." But, depending on the situation, we don't always see it that way.
While the concept of quitting can be hard to come to terms with, sometimes quitting is necessary for our success. When something no longer serves you or is demanding all of your time and energy but delivering nothing for you in turn, it might be time to let it go. Sometimes, leaving one thing behind can help us reset, reallocate our resources, and reshape priorities. That way, we can give our all to bigger and better things that actually serve us in the end.
This episode, we discuss instances when throwing in the towel can pay off in the long-run.
Inman Family Wines
Inman Family Wines

Inman Family Wines, found at inmanfamilywines.com. We chose their dry rosé, Endless Crush.
Open the bottle, pour a glass and enjoy. Best served cold.