speak | easy the podcast

Another Round – Burnout and Overwhelm

Another Round – Burnout and Overwhelm

We frequently talk about balance on the podcast and the truth is that something has to give when life becomes hectic. But don’t worry, we’ll return to the regularly scheduled programming in January! For now, we’re rebroadcasting some episodes that are hitting especially close to home right now. Enjoy Another Round – Ep. 164: Burnout and Overwhelm!

Burnout often comes in waves — so to prepare, we need to have tools ready to counteract the feelings of stress and anxiety when they hit. Being overwhelmed and experiencing burnout is a toxic duo that weighs down all professionals from time to time. To cope, we often go on autopilot hoping we’ll overcome these stressors over a few weeks or months; but this isn’t an adequate long-term solution. These feelings surpass the general sense of busyness, and have the potential to spread into all areas of our lives.

So, what can we do about it? Does anyone really know how to get out of a burnout cycle? Is there a solution in sight? We may not have a singular, magical answer, but we have some strategies for addressing general feelings of overwhelm. Join us as we discuss our own experiences with combating burnout.