speak | easy the podcast

Lessons From A Global Pandemic

Lessons From A Global Pandemic

Getting through the COVID-19 pandemic (so far) hasn't been easy. With this pandemic came uncertainty and insecurity, but we have all put our time and energy into adapting. We've learned a lot – not only about ourselves and our businesses, but also about our infrastructure and society. We discuss what we’ve learned from the pandemic (good and bad), the biggest challenges we’ve faced, and the innovative solutions we turned to that we never would’ve previously considered.

With everything going on in the world, many of us have just been focused on getting through the day-to-day. Along the way, we’ve all been overcoming obstacles, growing and adapting to the situations around us. For better or worse we’ve all learned lessons from this pandemic, and even though we don't know when it will end, it’s important to acknowledge the work we've put in to be where we are and what we’ll take away from this experience.

This episode, we break down our trials and triumphs of getting through the COVID-19 pandemic. As entrepreneurs, we are expected to have certain skills and assets; but this pandemic has tested all of us in our flexibility and ingenuity. Not only has the pandemic affected us as individuals and business owners, but it also shines a light on fragile societal infrastructure that needs to change. Listen in as we talk through the good, the bad, and how we plan on moving forward.