speak | easy the podcast

The Stone Fence

Drink: The Stone Fence

Looking for the perfect cider drink to round out your fall? Your quest is over. The Stone Fence is a delightfully simple rum and cider cocktail that delivers complexity without the fuss. While we don't typically consider cider to be a refreshing drink, the mint sprig adds an interesting twist that creates a crisp aftertaste. If our episode has you in the mood for a big change, try swapping out the mint for cloves and drinking this one warm.


  • 2 oz. rum
  • 6 oz. apple cider
  • A dash of bitters
  • A mint sprig, to garnish


  1. Add the rum and bitters to a Collins glass over ice.
  2. Fill the glass to the brim with cider and stir.
  3. Garnish with a mint sprig and enjoy.

The Stone Fence was featured in:

How To Face Big, Scary, Intentional Changes