
This is the equivalent of an adult Slurpee. In a better vessel and for a more sophisticated palette. Rosé is the go-to drink at the end of summer, on a patio. This just takes it up a notch.
Serves 4.
- 1 bottle Rosé
- 1/4 cup Simple Syrup
- 1 oz. Cointreau
- 1 oz. Fresh Lemon Juice
- Pour the rosé into a 13 x 9" baking pan, and place in the freezer for up to 6 hours or until almost solid.
- Remove the mixture and scrape into a blender, chopping up the larger icy bits.
- Add the remaining ingredients along with 3/4 cup crushed ice to the blender, and puree until thickened.
- Divide evenly into coupe glasses.
Cocktail inspired by a recipe found on, submitted by Nino Padova.