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Whether it’s a partner, a parent, a trusted friend, or even a therapist, we all need people in our lives who can share sage wisdom or help us navigate a crisis. Continuing last episode’s theme of…
It’s time for another installment in our new case study series! In this episode, we’re talking about Render’s 20-year relationship with Origami Rehabilitation – a nonprofit organization providing…
This week, we’re bringing another installment in our new case study series! This round, we’re talking about the ScrapFest documentary: a short film documenting the personal stories of some of the…
This week, we’re bringing you something new: a case study! For this first entry into our new case study series, we’re talking about the recent Sad Little Town project: a slightly sassy rallying cry…
We frequently talk about balance on the podcast and the truth is that something has to give when life becomes hectic. But don’t worry, we’ll return to the regularly scheduled programming in January!…
Rarely do life’s commitments stack up in nice, neat, separate layers that can each be dealt with in their own time. Despite our best efforts, commitments to family, to work, to community, and to self…
Having been in the creative industry for a long time, we both have a lot to say about the good, bad, and mostly ugly aspects of responding to a Request for Proposal, or RFP. Sure, RFPs bring in new…
Going with the flow doesn’t mean taking a passive approach. Rather, it's about letting go of what could or should happen, and instead adapting to changes and challenges with ease. The mindset…
Where would we rate ourselves on a risk tolerance scale? Very, very high. I think in some ways, you have to be risk tolerant in order to be an entrepreneur. And, frankly, there are major advantages…
When you start to plan a podcast episode and your first sentence is, “I don’t know what day it is,” you know you’ve got a bit of a burnout problem. And when you don’t have time to enjoy the things…
Marriages and careers require commitment. Though it takes some effort and balancing, both can be rewarding ventures.
Working from home has blurred the line between personal and professional life. Maintaining boundaries has never been more important.
We’re no strangers to imposter syndrome, and after years of experience in our respective fields battling feelings of self-doubt, we moved past it. Let’s talk about it.
We believe that leaders, in both the creative industry and beyond, have an obligation to tell the truth in all of its forms. When anything that even hints at misinformation can be detrimental to…
This week we’re joined by Linda Vail, director of the Ingham County Health Department. She speaks about her background in immunology, the makings of a pandemic, and what it’s like leading the…
When you open your eyes and it’s hours before your alarm, you have a couple choices. Wallow in frustration as the morning light floods your room, or spend those waking hours doing something…
From infancy to adulthood, crying is one of the best ways we communicate. It even relieves stress and facilitates bonding. Despite cultural expectations, everyone deserves to have a good cry.
Here we are, friends. The 100th episode. To celebrate, we asked each other 100 rapid fire questions. We’ve been friends for a long while, yet we discovered a lot of new things about each other. And a…
We're all creatures of habit. Whether they're good, bad, or weird — we've all got them. This episode, we're acknowledging all of our habits and committing to the good. How can we…
Everyone is faced with pressure to perform in life. No matter what our career is, we all want to be successful – but with success and with growth comes pressure. How do we cope with the pressure to…
Getting through the COVID-19 pandemic (so far) hasn't been easy. With this pandemic came uncertainty and insecurity, but we have all put our time and energy into adapting. We've learned a…
Do you know that feeling in your stomach when you are a little excited and a little afraid and you really don't know what is going to happen? Yep, super uncomfortable! But also kind of thrilling…
We've talked on many occasions about managing our well being. Now, we're tackling sleep (or lack thereof). As parents and entrepreneurs, there are so many things that keep us up at night,…
Sometimes we are just so fucking tired. If you feel overwhelmed, sometimes on a day-to-day basis, you're not alone. This week, we're talking about burnout: being exhausted and overwhelmed.…
In honor of our 50th episode, we decided to do something a little spontaneous and fun, using an online random word generator to tell us what to talk about. No preparation. No thoughtful planning.…
We're doing something a little different this episode. Often, we try to turn a concept around a bit and walk through what it means and how it matters. But today’s topic? Our biggest faults. This…
Everyone's heard the advice "fake it till you make it." Our younger selves even used it as a mantra walking into meetings from time to time. But is it solid advice or bullshit?
It doesn't matter how seasoned you are as a business owner, how stacked your creative team is or how much your clients love you. Things will go wrong. It could be a bad judgment call or full-on…
Have you ever had a decision to make where all available choices seem bad? Or one where you truly don't know the right answer? Us too. Truth is, the further you get in your career (or life) the…
When you've invited someone into your business—your home—and they betray you, it sucks. There's really no other way to say it. We've both been burned. Does it affect how you do…
What does transparency bring to relationships? We've worked with organizations where the world is wide open, as well as those who are all veils and secrecy. Today we want to share some thoughts…
What role does comparison plays in your professional and personal life? When is it a good or healthy thing and when does it erode your progress?
By nature, kids live impulsively and it is our job to save them from themselves—and while they have so much to learn as they grow, they are also teaching us great life lessons along the way. Between…
Crying at work is a controversial professional topic. Is it good or bad? Does it depend on if you are a man or woman? Does it matter if you do it privately or publically? We're both people who…
It’s hard to be honest. Well, not in the truest sense of the word. But if you work in creative services or are an entrepreneuer—and especially if you are a woman—you know how…
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