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Does Creative Drive Die?

Does Creative Drive Die?
Those of us who rely on creativity for our careers live in fear of the day when there are no good ideas on the horizon. Does creative drive die? Where does motivation come from? And how do we keep creative drive healthy?

If you use creativity on a daily basis, we're guessing you've had one of those days where the ideas are not flowing. The landscape in your head is filled with tumbleweeds. The cursor on your screen blinks at you menacingly. We have too. This episode we discuss creative drive, what harms it, and what helps it. And while we're at it, we sip on this amethyst-colored beauty: the Aviation.

We briefly touch on the book “Drive” by Daniel H. Pink. If you’re interested in exploring Pink’s concepts, we highly recommend checking it out.



Aviation was created before Prohibition and was lost for a moment then returned as one of the classics. Its taste is as bright and fun as its color.


  • 2 oz Botanist Gin
  • 1⁄2 oz Maraschino liqueur
  • 1⁄4 oz Crème de violette or Crème Yvette
  • 3⁄4 oz Lemon juice


Place all ingredients with ice, shake and strain in a cocktail glass.

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