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Strategy Series 19: Edutainment – Creating Captivating Educational Content

Strategy Series
Strategy Series 19: Edutainment – Creating Captivating Educational Content

Educational entertainment, or edutainment, has been around for decades. The use of media to share educational messages has become a staple for businesses, brands, content creators, and individuals alike. In this Strategy Series, Karen breaks down the pillars of strong edutainment and how this medium can connect with your audience.

From Sesame Street, to cooking videos on YouTube, or even the information you get from TikTok, educational entertainment is all around us. It's become a staple for educating people young and old, and is also a great way for organizations to get their own messages across. So, how can your brand or company's edutainment stand out in a sea of content?

This Strategy Series, Karen discusses the ins and outs of edutainment. Using her own first-hand experience and videography knowledge, she breaks down the best ways to create content that not only educates your audience but also connects with them.