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Strategy Series 16: Branding For Community Impact

Strategy Series
Strategy Series 16: Branding For Community Impact

When developing brands for nonprofits and advocacy organizations (or, any organization for that matter), it's important to keep your eyes on the prize: uplifting an image in order to ultimately create positive change. Sure, beautiful visuals, eloquent words, and finely tuned details are all part of a rebrand. But at the foundation of all of this is the client's broader mission that will go on to make an impact in the community and beyond — and that mission can inform your decision-making throughout the process.

When creating a new brand identity, it's important to keep your end goal top-of-mind. From brainstorming a brand name to designing a logo and tying it all together on a shiny new website, a new brand is a multi-faceted process — and all the while, it is imperative not to get swept up in the process and lose sight of the client's broader goal. At the end of the day, a brand is more than clarifying and enhancing an image. It's about amplifying the client's message and, as a result, inciting positive change.

In this Strategy Series minisode, Jen uses a case study from her own work to discuss the balance between branding and the client's broader, community-driven vision. How can we let our own passions for advocacy and change shine through and inform the brands we create? Jen and Karen chat all that and more.

Mentioned in this episode: BOLD Lansing