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The Games We Play Beyond The Board

The Games We Play Beyond The Board

In the game of life, you're either the player or the spectator. You have to pick one–and we don't like to be in the bleachers. But inside the game of life, there are endless other games people play: at work, home and in relationships.

Everyone loves a good board game. They help us build skills like patience, rationale and strategic thinking. Sure, we use these skills in a good old-fashioned game of Monopoly or Risk, but they're also applicable to everyday life. These qualities help us to win over a new client, hire a new employee, and figure out the next best move for our business.

Games give us the ability to look two or three steps down the road and help decide what the next best move is for the long-term. In order to succeed (both in a board game and as an entrepreneur), you need to know the game you're playing. You need to understand the objective, the strategy and–most of all–your opponent. Life is very much the same way: If you can figure out the objective and the key players, you can figure out how to get through to the end with a successful outcome.

In this episode, we look at the similarities between strategizing in a board game and approaching real-world situations and out businesses with a similar mindset. (And, of course, we sidebar into talking about some of our favorite board games too. We weren't gonna ignore that.)