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Things That Make Us Cry - Crying is a Communication Tool?

Things That Make Us Cry - Crying is a Communication Tool?

From infancy to adulthood, crying is one of the best ways we communicate. It even relieves stress and facilitates bonding. Despite cultural expectations, everyone deserves to have a good cry.

Crying is important. As babies, we’re not yet equipped with useful tools such as words, so crying is how we communicate our needs. And boy does it do the trick.

Even as tweens, teens, and adults, crying remains a vital form of communication. Sad cries, ugly cries, tears of frustration, and tears of joy — they're all part of what makes us beautifully human. Crying even provides physical and emotional relief by releasing a nifty little endorphin called oxytocin. The more you know!

Tune in as we discuss societal expectations around crying, our favorite places to cry, and who we feel most comfortable crying around.