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Breaking Up And Moving On: The Life Cycle Of Client Relationships

Breaking Up And Moving On: The Life Cycle Of Client Relationships

All relationships have life cycles – even when it comes to client relationships. Needs change, times change, and businesses scale up and down. Sometimes you have to walk away, and sometimes clients decide they've gotten their best from you. When it comes to client relationships, how do we know when to hold 'em, and know when to fold 'em?

It’s a tricky subject, but the reality is that client breakups happen. There are times when a client breakup blindsides you (which often require a healthy amount of drinks and breakup songs to recover). Then there are times when the breakup probably should’ve happened long ago, when the relationship is no longer a good fit. And sometimes, the two groups just naturally part ways.

No matter the reason, client turnover is a part of business, and we need to learn how to assess the process. What does a healthy client relationship look like? How do we know when a client relationship it is no longer a good fit, and what should we do in that position?

This week, we’re talking (client) breakups: the good, the bad and the ugly. From going through them to moving past them, we've got you covered.