speak | easy the podcast

Getting Back To Basics, Avoiding Shiny Objects And Decluttering Our Minds

Getting Back To Basics, Avoiding Shiny Objects And Decluttering Our Minds

It's so easy to get distracted by shiny objects. But they are just that—distractions. Today, we're talking about getting back to basics. The start of a new year, month or week is the ideal time to declutter our goals by reevaluating what's really important, both at work and at home. It's our opportunity to reacquaint ourselves with what really matters.

It can be tempting to set new, ambitious goals based on what we think we should want. Achieving a certain milestone, expanding into a new service offering, or taking on an impressive project. It's important to get out of our comfort zones—but it's also important to stay focused in the process.

That's why decluttering our goals, business objectives and offerings is just as important as decluttering our junk drawers. Constantly checking in on what our competitors are up to can distract us from our core strengths. How can we evaluate which of our goals or offerings are distractions, and which actually spark joy? (Or at least spark ROI, if we're being honest?)

This episode, we discuss how we can get back to basics: simplifying our goals to align with what will pay off in the end. When you spend time focusing on the basics, life becomes crystal clear. You stop getting distracted by clutter—both physical and mental.

Mentioned in this episode: "Meet Memo, the Marie Kondo of Fitness" (New York Times)