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Duke of Earl

Drink: Duke of Earl

The jury’s still out on whether Duke of Earl was a real person, but we do know this: it was a number one hit rock song in 1962, and it makes for a hell of a cocktail in 2022. The drink is named for its most forward ingredient, Earl Grey tea, while the gin takes a back seat. Like way-back-facing-out-the-rear-in-an-old-station-wagon back seat. It’s delicious, all the same, with fizz and a floral outro from the lavender.


  • 1/2 Cup of cold Earl Grey tea
  • 1 oz Gin
  • 1/4 oz Simple syrup
  • Sparkling water


  1. Steep Earl Grey tea and let it cool.
  2. Add ice to a Collins glass.
  3. Add Earl Grey tea, gin, and simple syrup.
  4. Top with sparkling water and stir.
  5. Garnish with lavender.

Duke of Earl was featured in:

The Ripple Effect: What You Do Has an Impact